Monday, August 24, 2015


Manalo's Wedding

Manalo's Baptism

This week was such a good one! We had an awesome Multi-Zones on Tuesday.  The highlight of it was a class that President Mullen gave on Becoming.  It had a big impact on me. He talked about becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ and what that entails. A big part of it goes along with the hymn "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go."  We need to go where the Lord wants us to go, say what the Lord wants us to say, and be who the Lord wants us to be. Therefore, align our will with God's. 

Something that we talked about with this is that the greatest TEST in life is to obey God.  The greatest TASK in life is to learn the will of God and do it.  And the greatest COMMANDMENT in life is to love God.  

I've been thinking a lot about that this past week and the idea of loving God. As Moroni 10:32 tells us, truly loving God requires all our might, mind and strength.  It's not something that we can give a half effort to. In the words of President Mullen, "It's all-consuming and all-encompassing." So what are we willing to do, what are we willing to give us to truly love God with all of our heart, might, mind and strength? 

Anyways, we were also able to attend the wedding of our investigator, Manolo this week! He is absolutely awesome.  He's quite an example of making changes in order to know God, in order to truly love God. While the wedding this week was just a civil wedding, done by our bishop, their end goal is to be sealed in the temple a year from now. 

And Manolo entered into the waters of baptism on Sunday.  It was such a nice service (we had to move to the chapel because there were so many people there) and Manolo was SO HAPPY afterwards.  This is something that he's been working really hard towards and I have no doubt that he's going to be a strong leader in the church.  

I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of teaching him and that I could learn from his example. Missionary work is so great! 

I love you all! I hope you have an excellent week and are able to find ways that you can show your love for God and others.  

Les quiero mucho, 
Hermana Horne 

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