Tuesday, July 29, 2014

We are the Armies of Helaman

                                        McKayla with Ashley Moody from Florida home ward!

                                                          Making friends at the MTC

Beautiful Mexico MTC

Beautiful Mexico MTC

                                   The bench where McKayla and her companion like to study

                                                    The houses overlooking the MTC

                                                                   Going into town

                                                               Mexico City Temple

It was another great week this week! I don't have a ton of time to write but I found out that I can email friends, not just family, now, so that's exciting! 

On Saturday, apparently it was St. Mary's day, so we could hear the Mexicans partying all day and ALL night long.  It was so fun! At one point during the night they started playing the Macarena, so my roommates and I all jumped up and starting doing it.  It was a fiesta in the Casa Rosada! 

So story time... there's an elder in our district who got bit by a mosquito and it  laid eggs in his leg! IN HIS LEG! If that's not the grossest thing I've ever heard, I don't know what it.  But they told him he had to wait a couple of days to take the eggs out, because the mosquitoes needed to grow more in order for them to take them out. EW. Apparently that's a thing that happens in Mexico because our teacher told us that he knows two other missionaries that that has happened to.  Sweet. 

So we found out on Sunday that our MTC President here, President Pratt, was mission companions with Elder Holland. ELDER HOLLAND.  So cool.  Elder Holland mentioned President Pratt in a devotional we watched this week.  So awesome. 

Anyway, so at one point this week we had a really spiritual day, and afterwards one of our teachers, Hermano Martinez came in and talked to us.  He read to us Alma 57:25, which talks about the Army of Helaman, and how a lot of the army was wounded, but none were killed.  He told us that we are the Army of Helaman, and he feels as if he's our Helaman, but not quite, because that's Christ, but he's someone helping and watching us.  There will be times when we will get down and be wounded, but we will never fall.  I loved that.  I have always loved the story of the Army of Helaman, so it's so cool to think of myself as part of it.  I love it.  I love serving a mission.  It is, by far, the greatest thing I've ever done with my life. 

Con Mucho Amor, 

Hermana Horne 

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