Monday, July 14, 2014


Hi! Mexico City is so colorful and authentic and almost impoverished! I love it! The flights went well. I made friends right away in the airport, so you dont have to worry, mom. There was literally an army of us... the Army of Helaman.  Literally.  We took over probably 75% of the plane.  It was SO COOL. I loved traveling with everyone.  So its probably good that I flew out of SLC, although people met us in Mexico from all over. And I didn't cry once after I got past security. My P-day in the MTC is on tuesdays so thats when I'll be able to write you again.  Im loving it already.  Except for this nagging headache.  Pray it'll go away quickly. Apparently the houses we are staying in are nicer than they would be in Provo and the campus is beautiful and the weathers nice! BUT the mexico city temple will be closed for like 2 years so I'm not going to be able to go to it! But we get to go the visitors center.  Also I saw the Collins girl from our stake.  And a kid from my mission prep class at BYU.  And I love my companion already. Things are good:) My address is:

Sister McKayla Christine Horne
12/08/2014 8D
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. Madero
07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal

Write me, write me, write me!
Sending lots and lots of love from MEXICO CITY,
Hermana Horne

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