Monday, November 17, 2014

There is Power in Prayer


So miracle of the week... 

Last night we stopped by an investigator's house because she didn't come to church, so we wanted to see what had happened. Her husband answered the door and talked for us a little bit.  That was miracle #1 because if he's home he usually just stays in his room studying or something, but most times he's not home when we visit.  While we were talking at the door he said that he has faith, but he just feels like something was missing. What a perfect opening for us (that was miracle #2)! So we testified that he could find that peace that he was missing through the church of Jesus Christ because we have the fullness of the gospel. When we said that he opened the door and told us to come in for a little bit (MIRACLE #3!)! We were kind of shocked, but obviously stoked. We were able to have a REALLY GOOD lesson with him, and answer a lot of his questions and doubts.  We had a member with us and she was AWESOME.  Telling about her experiences and her testifying really brought the Spirit.  By the end of the lesson he said that he wanted to see if what we had to say was what he was looking for/ could help him, and he set up a time to meet with us later this week.  It was SO GREAT. 

After that lesson we had two people that we were thinking about visiting, but it was getting late and we didn't know which one we should go to.  We prayed to know where we should go and both felt like we should go visit a family nearby.  When we got there the parents weren't there (and they're who we usually talk to) but the teenage son opened the door.  We ended talking to him about the power of prayer right on the doorstep.  He had never prayed before but we taught him how and told him about how great it is.  We ended up saying a prayer with him right there and he agreed to pray before he went to bed that night.  It was super good and I know that God had directed us to exactly where we needed to be at that time. 

That's about all I have time for this week, but I have a testimony of the presence of God in our lives.  He guides and directs us to where we need to be and what we should do in our lives.  All we need to do is ask Him. Prayer is a powerful thing, and I think too often we take it for granted.  The prayers that we say with a sincere heart and real intent are not the prayers that we're most likely to get an answer to, but they're the prayers that we're more likely to RECOGNIZE the answer to. Take advantage of the ability we have to pray to our Heavenly Father! He's there for us and he hears and answers our prayers.  I know it.

I love you all! Have a great week! 

Con mucho amor, 

Hermana Horne 

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