The Petting Zoo...
Ward Halloween Party...
McKayla & Clarissa
Sooo our mission president, President Mullen, is super fit. We just finished doing a Crossfit activity that he lead and he kicked butt. Like I'm going to be so sore tomorrow/ I'm baffled that he's probably in better shape than half of us missionaries. haha
Anyways, this week has been super fun!
I'm sending tons of pictures, which will hopefully makes up for not writing very much.
But last Monday we went to a little dairy in Wildomar and had fun petting the animals there and enjoying the beautiful weather. P-days are so nice:)
We also had our ward Halloween Party on Saturday night. It was so fun seeing everyone dressed up. And Hermana Juarez and I were asked to be the costume judges, so I loved that.
But part of the reason why this week was so fun is because we worked REALLY hard. I always feel better about the weeks and days when I know I've done my very best. That's how I want to feel at the end of my mission. I want to know that I worked my hardest to further this work. So that's what I'll do!
So Grandma and Grandpa Horne got their mission call to the West Indies!! I am SO excited for them! The West Indies seems like it would be such a cool mission! They're such good examples of serving selflessly. I'm so excited to hear about all their experiences out there.
Missions are awesome. I feel so blessed to be a part of the hastening of the Lord's work.
I've definitely recognized the His hand in the things we do. Especially, in regards to my Spanish. I've been praying more fervently for the ability to be able to communicate with the people we teach and I've definitely noticed a difference. My Spanish has definitely gotten better, and I know it's because of how sincerely I've been praying for it.
Anyways, sending all my love! Enjoy Halloween for me:)
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Horne
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