Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lessons Learned

5/18/15 (Oops.  Out of order)

So I definitely learned some lessons in following the Spirit this week... good and bad. But we'll start with the good...

Yesterday we went to contact a referral downtown and we knocked on the door and the people weren't home.  But in the apartment building next door I saw a little boy who was maybe 2 years old and hispanic, looking out the window at us.  Usually I would have thought nothing of it, but I felt like we should try to visit them.  My companion wasn't sure about it but I thought that we really should so we went.  We knocked on the door and a guy named Rodolfo answered.  He was the little boy's dad.  He was super nice and we explained to him that we're missionaries and had a message of Jesus Christ that helps strengthen families and we talked about that a little bit.  I told him that we felt like we needed to knock on their door and it was probably God who guided us there.  He agreed and opened the door wide and said that we could come in! We were so surprised! Unfortunately, his wife wasn't home so we couldn't go in.  But he gave us his number so we can set up an appointment and he seems pretty open.  Whether or not anything comes of it, t was definitely a testimony builder of following the spirit! 

Now for the not so good... We have a super awesome who's preparing for baptism.  Her baptismal date was set for the 31st of May.  On Saturday and Sunday morning Hna.Gomez and I both had little feelings that we should call her just to make SURE that they were coming to church.  We didn't talk about it, but I brushed those feelings off because her and her mom are super solid and were like 100% committed to coming to church when we had our last lesson with them.  And they told the member that we took with us that they'd be coming as well. But they didn't come to church:( We called and called right before church but no one answered. We went by after church and the mom said she had been working so they couldn't go. We told them that now we have to move her date to the 7th of june and her mom was super sad. She was like man! If I had known I would have dropped her off. We were super sad too because we could have gotten her a ride! If only we had followed the prompting of the Spirit to call and find out we could have made sure she'd be at church. So it's definitely our fault that we didn't make SURE they had a way to church and everything.  Lessons learned... we're repenting. But we're still stoked about the baptism on the 7th, but it's the weekend right after the transfer so Hna.Gomez and I might not be companions still.  But it's okay because we'll still be able to come back for the baptism.  And our investigator is still getting baptized so it's all good! 

But it's been a really good week! I love being here.  I love being a missionary.  There are SO MANY good things about it! Love you all! Que tengan exito a donde vayan.

Les quiero mucho, 
Hermana Horne 

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