Monday, April 27, 2015

Big City Lights


So I'm serving in Riverside now and I absolutely love it.  I'm companions with Hermana Gomez and I love her so much! We get along super well and she's such a hard worker. Having such an awesome companion has made being here so much more fun. 

And it's super fun serving in the city of Riverside! For all of my mission I've been in pretty small towns, so I am loving the city! The feel of it is just so vibrant and cultural. I think I'm a city girl at heart.
And I've heard so many good things about this area, so I'm excited to be here. I've never felt so sure that this is where I'm supposed to be at this time, which is a good feeling.

The work is going pretty well. We're working on finding solid investigators, but we have one, Miguel, who is pretty cool! He accepted a baptismal date for the end of May so we're hoping to be able to help him progress towards that.

Today I've been celebrating turning 21! Woot woot! It's been a really awesome day.  Probably one of my favorite birthdays.  We went and hiked Mt.Roubidoux (not sure how you spell it) with the elders in our zone this morning at like 7 am.  We all met at their apartment complex and before we left they brought out a cake with candles on it and sang to me, which was really nice. 
The hike was awesome and there was a great view of Riverside from the top.  I'll have to send pictures next week. Then we played a little bit of kickball afterwards.

When we got home, the sisters that we live with had decorated our apartment for me.  It looks like we're about to have a fiesta (with pin the tale of the donkey and everything!). Then we went out to Cheesecake Factory with all the hermanas who are serving around here (including Hna.Juarez and Hna.Carlson, two of my past companions).

So so far it's been a pretty awesome day! And a pretty awesome week!  I'm happy to be here.  I love being on a mission. And I'm so stoked for Spencer, who's about to enter the MTC in a couple days. What an awesome missionary he's going to be!  I love you all so much.  I love this work.  I love this gospel.  I love the Lord. Cuidense.

Les quiero mucho,

Hermana Horne

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