Monday, March 23, 2015

Training is the BOMB


Okay so I absolutely love training! And my trainee! She's the best! Her name's Hermana Jordan and she's so awesome! So ready to work and be obedient and learn.  It's awesome! She's definitely the right trainee for me. 

Not going to lie, there are definitely some hard parts to training, but I can feel the Lord strengthening me so much.  It's incredible. And the good parts definitely out way the hard parts.  It's so cool to see how much Hermana Jordan has learned and grown already.  And I'm learning so much from her as well.  Ah, I LOVE IT. 

This week I gained such a real testimony that the Lord answers our prayers, especially our specific prayers. I'm so grateful for that.  He loves us and he knows each one of us personally.  It's so dang cool. 

I love you all! Have an awesome week! 

Les quiero mucho! 

Hermana Horne 

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