this week Elder Evans, from the Quorum of the Seventy and the head of the
Missionary Dept., came to talk to our mission. It was awesome! We met for
a couple of hours, but it didn't feel like that. It went by so
quickly. He gave us a lot of good advice and, man, was the Spirit strong
there. At one point in the
meeting he was gave us advice on finding. He told us one of the best ways
to improve finding new investigators is by not just talking TO people, but it's
by talking WITH people. Listen to them sincerely, teach based on what
they've said, and then ask for referrals based on the things they've
said. At the end of talking about this, he walked into the aisle, looked
me directly in the eye, and said "I promise if you do these things, you'll
have more people to teach." And he promised a couple of other things too,
but it was really powerful. I felt like he was staring into my soul and
promising it directly to me. Which he was! Because we've tried our
hardest to implement what he said and we got 7 referrals this week! Some of them
are for places other than here, but still, it's pretty awesome seeing how
inspired what he said was.
The entire meeting was
full of great stuff and I wish I could include it all, but just know it was
awesome. I know our church leaders are inspired and lead by God.
I don't have a lot of
time to write more today, but I want to include the scripture D&C
64:33. It says:
"Wherefore, be
not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great
work. And out of SMALL THINGS proceedeth that which is great."
I love that.
It's such a great scripture in relation to missionary work. At times, it
feels like we're not making a whole lot of progress, but in reality, that's not
true. ALL of our efforts, even the ones that don't seem to be showing a
lot of fruit right away, work to make GREAT things happen. I know that to
be true. And this scripture doesn't just apply to missionary work.
It applies to every good thing we do in life. The small and simple
efforts, the small things we do for other people all work to bring about bigger
Sending lots of love
from sunny California!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Horne
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