Friday, January 2, 2015

Feliz Navidad, Prospero Ano y Felicidad


So Christmas was the bomb.  I absolutely love Christmas as a missionary. On Christmas Eve we had a big devotional with a third of the missionaries in our mission when people did musical numbers and Christmas scriptures were read.  It was really nice and the spirit was so strong there.  I loved it. We also ate there and had a good time visiting with other missionaries. 

Then we went from there to a dinner at a member's house.  It was so good and we love these members so it was a good time.  But we had one more dinner after that. Tamales. They were good, but we were STUFFED.  It was a battle to finish them, for sure.  But it was still nice to be with the members.
We also had a zone activity that night where we played volleyball and hung out, so it was super fun.  
On our way home we dropped off some Christmas presents at an investigator's house and ran.  Somehow they knew it was us and sent us a nice text saying thank you.  That was probably one of the best parts of all the Christmas shenanigans. They really don't have a lot and getting the text from the mom made us feel so good. We could tell how grateful she was.  It feels so much better to give than to get.  There's true joy that comes from giving.  I hope that you all were able to feel same joy this Christmas season, and that you'll continue to give during this coming new year. I know that you'll be able to feel the happiness that comes from it. 

I also got to Skype the family on Christmas day.  That was so great! It was so nice to be able to see everyone and talk for a little bit, even though the time flew by.  But I feel so lucky that I have such an awesome family.

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